Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Get Used To It.

Every day, nay, even more often, I read stupid shit from barely-evolved dipshits that makes my political convictions, particularly vis-a-vis the upcoming Presidential election, clearer and firmer. Like transparent aluminum. That's how firm and clear things are.

Naturally, I'll share more as we get closer, and all six of you will no doubt be swayed by my dazzling rhetoric, well-thought-out logic, and pretty pictures. Plus my vulgarity -- never underestimate the power of my vulgarity.

Why is Sarah Palin on the ticket? Because she's in favor of drilling anything that will stand still longer than 2 seconds, and because she's hot. End of story. Now, on to more substantive issues, John.

Got any? Didn't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your views are ignorant and stupid.