Monday, March 31, 2008

Sports and Such

So, yeah, Kansas. Whatever. They beat the awesome story that was Davidson, and for the first time ever in the Tourney, all four #1 seeds made it to the Final Four. Whatever; Davidson is still awesome, and Stephen Curry is the well-deserved winner of Most Oustanding Player from that region.

Elsewhere, my Braves decided to spot the rest of the NL East a half-game lead by blowing a save in Washington. Whatever. Don't sleep on my Braves this year, y'all. Treat y'all like a bowl of gruel.

Best time of the weekend, though? Nashville Roller Girls. They went down swinging hard to the Tragic City Rollers, aided by a horrible scoring decision, when the winning points should have been scored on our final jam, and no one in a ref's shirt saw the jam get called off. It's confusing, right? Wrong. Hie thee hither, y'all, next time they're in town, which is May 17th at the Fairgrounds. Best time night out ever awesome dude. Wow.

Everybody else's opening games start up today, which is Bartender Rod's High Holy Day. And the Predators are still clinging by their nails to hopes of a playoff spot; frankly, it doesn't look good.

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