Friday, January 30, 2009

Something Else That Is Cool.

So, if you're going to be covering a historic-type Inauguration event, might as well document it in a historic-type way, right? Photographer David Bergman took his Canon G10 digital camera -- itself no slouch -- and hooked it up to a device called the Gigapan, which basically automates the process of making manymanymany quick photos of everything in sight, so that you can use software to stitch those manymanymany snaps into one ginormous panoramic shot. The result?

My final photo is made up of 220 Canon G10 images and the file is 59,783 X 24,658 pixels or 1,474 megapixels. It took more than six and a half hours for the Gigapan software to put together all of the images on my Macbook Pro and the completed TIF file is almost 2 gigabytes.

Oh, snap.

What's particularly fun is the timing on this one, as Obama speechifies, Clarence Thomas nods off at early nap-time (no references in the speech to pubic hair, I suppose), and Regime Change Victim GWB makes an unpleasantly sour face. I know. I was shocked, myself.

Go check out the photo on Bergman's site to see a pan-and-scan-able version that you can zoom in on, or even order a print of. Whoa.

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