Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh... So... Close...

I ain't gonna lie. I was hoping for exploding shoes. And he ducks the shoe, see, and then looks at the Iraqi guy all cocky and he's like, Ha! You missed! and then the Iraqi guy's all like, not so fast, dude, check it out, and then Bush looks behind him, and there's a blinking red light, and he's all like, Ahhh... Shi-


That shit would rule.

In the meantime, go check out www.superpoop.com -- the source of today's animated ohsoclose. It's from the good people who bring you ToothpasteForDinner, and NatalieDee, and MarriedToTheSea. They're funny. And they live in Ohio. And thus deserve not only our admiration, but also our pity.

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