Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Best. Penguins. EVAR.

Superpoop is a photo comic by Drew, creator of Toothpaste for Dinner and other amazingness.

Like the below, quite simply the most amazingawesome thing ever, at least other than the news that our back deck project is actually going to happen.

Please to enjoy:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Remind You Of Anyone?

No, not really, because here the cat is just silently judging, not angrily denouncing. Still: did I mention that my neighbor-lady is a total gash? Because she is, you know.

Thanks to Auntie Em for the pass-along!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marry Me A Few More Times.

Just a reminder that the GroundWorks / Boiler Room co-production of "Marry Me a Little" continues at the Darkhorse Theater through Saturday, March 21. You should probably come see it. All's I'm sayin.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Go. See. Discuss.

See these lovely people below? That's my better half Megan Murphy and our other third Mike Baum. They're in "Marry Me a Little," which opens March 10, which is... umm... tonight. 5 shows at the Boiler Room Theatre in Franklin, then 4 nights at the Darkhorse Theater in Nashville. All the details at www.groundworkstheatre.com. Please go see this show, and keep us all off the breadlines.