Tuesday, June 17, 2008

You Know What Sucks?

The man featured in this clip, Harvey Korman, is dead.

And the man who created and/or built these creatures:

H.R. Giger's "Alien," The T-1000, "Jurassic Park"'s dinosaurs, the "Small Soldiers," "Predator," the aliens from "Galaxy Quest," "Mimic," "The Thing" (1982),

Stan Winston, is dead.

And in the meantime, Michelle Malkin, who tells us that people who wear neck scarves that look too much like a keffiyeh (like Rachael Ray in a Dunkin' Donuts ad) are implicitly or explicitly anti-Semites and support the destruction of Israel and hate America, is still alive. WTF?

In related news, I will still absolutely punch Rick Santorum right in his fucking face. And the fact that he has now survived both Harvey Korman and Stan Winston gets him two extra shots to the nuts. That's the law.

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