Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Who Was A Good Boy?

Johnny Sisco was a good boy at his first-ever Nashville Roller Girls bout. He even smiled pretty for this picture:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ummm... Yes Please.

Big Lebowski-style Last Supper poster.

True story.

Yes, duh, I want.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

So What's Up Next?

Exactly. "What," by Trish Crist, will open this Friday and run June 5-13 at the Darkhorse Theater. Shows are this Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm, Sunday at 2:30 pm, and next week Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30pm. There's some cursing and some drinking, and probably some implied sexing. Also, non-violent, but very foul-mouthed videogame playing. And Jack, on the guitar. Why are you still reading this and not calling for reservations already? Sheesh!

Call 397-7820 or e-mail rhubarbnashville@gmail.com. All tickets $12.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Um, Yeah... It Got Noisy...

Sorry. More sports? Hey -- when your favorite teams enters the ranks of the immortals in the biggest event it its thing, then we'll talk more about that. Not sure what's going on? I'd be happy to discuss it.

In the meantime, let's just expand an earlier "Suck it, London!" yell to include all of England. And Christian Ronaldo, too. I hate that little bitch.

Link will take you to the home page of my beloved FC Barcelona. They won a big championship. Blah blah blah soccer blah blah championship blah blah whatever.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

39? Really? Daaaaaaaaaaaang.

In honor of the Big 3-9, I give you the most famous OTHER 39-er from Georgia, James Earl Carter hisself, the Big Jimmy.

And in honor of the Big Jimmy, I present to you SNL's "Ask President Carter."

Come party with us at the Grille on Friday AND Saturday. In the meantime, just mellow out the best you can, okay?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Party? More Like ParTEEZ.

'Sabout that time of year again -- mosquito season, baseball All-Star Game ballot-stuffing, free-range annoying teenagers on the streets instead of in school... and the annual liquor-fueled debauchery that descends on Sportsman's Grille in Hillsboro Village. Come be a part of it, won't you?

Even better, it's a two-night deal!
Friday 5/15: Happy Hour at Grille 4-6, then Sounds game at 7. Tickets to game HERE.
Saturday 5/16: Party at Grille 12-6, then NRG bout at 7. Tickets to bout HERE.