Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Neighbor Lady at 1213 Is A Total Gash

So those at the party on Saturday night have already been bored to death by this story (with the possible exception of Douglas, who was even angrier than we were, if that's possible). But our gash neighbor, whose name is not Helen, as she is in fact the daughter of Helen, came out and yelled at a group of six of us who were outside the party talking. About the terrible noise. At 10:30pm on a Saturday night. While she was still up and about. And threatened to call the police.

Here is an actual photo of the Neighbor Gash at her home, captured by Google Street View cameras, after I did a search on "Angry Raging Gash":

That is in fact a gash (a nasty head wound, in fact), not something dirty. Well, you know what I mean.

In the meantime, I'm thinking of registering the domain name neighborladyat1213sunnymeadeisatotalgash.com. I might even spell "neighbor" as "neighbour" -- nothing classes the joint up like fake British spellings.


Anonymous said...

if the gash had on bad stirrup pants, the likeness would be uncanny!

Anonymous said...

Day-um! Stirrup pants, angry gashes. I think y'all need to put three pekinese in a small fence in the yard as retaliation! Talk softly on the phone near them - seems to send them into a frenzy! heh heh heh.....